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    General panorama of the inhabited village of Revenga. Comunero de Revenga (Burgos)


    Detail of a rock-carved figure at Cueva Andrés, Quintanar de la Sierra (Burgos)


    General view of the inhabited village of Cuyacabras and the documentation and register works. Quintanar de la Sierra (Burgos)
  • BIZERTA 1613

    BIZERTA 1613

    Plan of Bizerte. 1613. General Archive of Simancas.


    Galleys in the Mediterranean for the fight against the corsairs of Algiers. General Archive of Simancas.


    Double-headed anthopomorphic tomb excavated at Prados de Bañuelos. Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos)


    Fieldwork at the site of Ausa-Gaztelu, Zaldibia (Gipuzkoa)


    Aerial view of the defensive wall recently found at the medieval village of L’Esquerda (Les Masies de Roda, Osona)
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Welcome to GRAMP.-UB

Medieval and Postmedieval Research Group of the University of Barcelona (GRAMP.-UB) is formed by an interdisciplinary team of different members from national and international institutions and is registered in the Department of Medieval History, Paleography and Diplomatics at the University of Barcelona. 

Successive works and research projects undertaken lead to the official recognition in 1995 as a Quality Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and it currently is a consolidated research group.

31 October 2018

Participation at the V Jornades d’Arqueologia de la Catalunya Central

Different members of GRAMP.UB, together with the teamwork of l’Esquerda, have participated at the V Jornades d’Arqueologia de la Catalunya Central, this year taking place at the Museu de la Pell, in Igualada. With a communication entitled “L’evolució de la fortalesa de l’Esquerda des del Bronze final fins a l’Edat Mitjana”.

04 October 2018

IV Jornadas de Estudiantes de Historia “Clotario Blest”

afiche web3 0Next week our colleague Ginés Puente will participate in the IV Jornadas de Estudiantes de Historia “Clotario Blest” that will take place at the University of Santiago de Chile between 9th and 10th October 2018.

07 September 2018

GRAMP researchers attending at the European Archaeologists Association Meeting

This morning the session #747 – Archaeology of the Visigothic and Carolingian Europe (5th – 9th Centuries) has taken place at the EEA2018 meeting, taking place in Barcelona from 5th to 9th September2018. Several researchers of our team have joined the session introducing some results about research carried out at the sites of Santa Margarida, Revenga and l’Esquerda, amongst others.

25 August 2018

Fieldwork at Revenga (Burgos) and dissemination talk

GRAMP’s researchers offered a dissemination talk these evening to spread out the latest results. Promoted by the town councils of the area, inhabitants and foreigners visiting the area are gathered together in this event that annually presents the obtained results.


26 October 2018

Participation at the International Meeting Archaeology of Peasantry

On Friday 26th October, GRAMP.UB has joined the International Conference “Archaeology of Peasantry”, organized by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and performed at the Faculty of Arts, in Vitoria. Our colleagues Karen Álvaro and Esther Travé have presented a communication entitled “Peripheral landscapes and mountain areas (5th-9th Centuries): The case study of Revenga (Burgos)”.

25 September 2018

Start of the academic year at the Medieval Archaeology Lab

Within the start of the academic year, students of archaeology have begun their “Practical training on medieval and modern ceramics” at the end of September. This is a practical training offered by GRAMP.



03 September 2018

Press and media

The archaeological fieldwork at Revenga reached the end last week. Excavation allowed us to confirm the difference between two habitat phases known at the site, and the features of some production areas as well. Regional press covered these findings with their reports in the Diario de Burgos and El Correo de Burgos respectively. We have also opened the midday news at the Burgos Television.


20 August 2018

Start of the archaeological fieldwork at Revenga (Burgos)

The conditioning and signalling tasks at the archaeological site of Revenga (Burgos) started this morning. The technical staff travelled yesterday to the site and students of the University of Barcelona have joined the team this evening. 

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