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    General panorama of the inhabited village of Revenga. Comunero de Revenga (Burgos)


    Detail of a rock-carved figure at Cueva Andrés, Quintanar de la Sierra (Burgos)


    General view of the inhabited village of Cuyacabras and the documentation and register works. Quintanar de la Sierra (Burgos)
  • BIZERTA 1613

    BIZERTA 1613

    Plan of Bizerte. 1613. General Archive of Simancas.


    Galleys in the Mediterranean for the fight against the corsairs of Algiers. General Archive of Simancas.


    Double-headed anthopomorphic tomb excavated at Prados de Bañuelos. Palacios de la Sierra (Burgos)


    Fieldwork at the site of Ausa-Gaztelu, Zaldibia (Gipuzkoa)


    Aerial view of the defensive wall recently found at the medieval village of L’Esquerda (Les Masies de Roda, Osona)
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Welcome to GRAMP.-UB

Medieval and Postmedieval Research Group of the University of Barcelona (GRAMP.-UB) is formed by an interdisciplinary team of different members from national and international institutions and is registered in the Department of Medieval History, Paleography and Diplomatics at the University of Barcelona. 

Successive works and research projects undertaken lead to the official recognition in 1995 as a Quality Research Group by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government) and it currently is a consolidated research group.

06 August 2018

Revenga y su entorno Transferencias culturales en la alta Edad Media

Cartel-Charla-2018 350px Sábado 25 de Agosto de 2018. Comunero de Revenga. Casa de la Madera, 19:00h

Presentación de la excavación arqueológica en curso y de los trabajos analíticos realizados Charla a cargo de Karen Álvaro y Esther Travé Profesoras de la Universidad de Barcelona

10 July 2018

Start of the Archaeological Regular and Training Fieldwork at Santa Margarida (Martorell)

SM2018 grampub 200The archaeological fieldwork in Santa Margarida (Martorell, Barcelona) started on Monday 9th July. Research is co-directed by GRAMP members Esther Travé and Alfred Mauri, together with Dr. Rosario Navarro, and coordinated by CEM (Centre d’Estudis Martorellencs), Amongst the main goals, we aim to analyze the ancient phases of the medieval sacraria.


02 July 2018

GRAMP takes place in the XI TROBADA: Entitats locals de cultura i patrimoni de la Selva, held in BREDA

On Saturday 30th June, GRAMP members Esther Travé and Joan Vicens have participated in the Round Table entitled: Pottery: a interdisciplinary look through the archaeological materials, celebrated at the venue of the XI TROBADA: Entitats locals de cultura i patrimoni de la Selva, ordanized by the Institut d’Estudis Selvatans and held in the pottery-producing town of BREDA.

21 June 2018

GRAMP.UB attends to the Open Science & the Humanities Conference 2018

GRAMP. UB has attended to the international Open Science & the Humanities Conference held at the University of Barcelona on Thursday 21th June. Several authors of our team have exhibited the following scientific posters.


23 July 2018

End of the Archaeological Training Fieldwork at Santa Margarida (Martorell)

Last Friday, July 20th, students students of the Degree in Archeology finished their training fieldwork. This year, some of the silos identified in previous training campaign have been excavated, amongst other areas. Following the work schedule, several other silos –some of them really large– have been excavated, as well as the graves related to the early medieval period.


06 July 2018

The end of GRAMP’s first archaeological campaigns this summer.

SGR2018 grampubOn Friday 6th July, the archaeological training fieldwork developed by UB students finished at the site of l’Esquerda (Roda de Ter, Barcelona). At the same time, fieldword took place at the Monastery of Sant Genís de Rocafort (Martorell, Barcelona).


25 June 2018

Students of the Degree in Archaeology at the University of Barcelona start their fieldwork season at the archaeological Site of L’Esquerda

On Monday 25th June, students at the University of Barcelona inscribed at the subjects Practice I and Practice II have started their fieldwork activity at the archaeological site of L’Esquerda, supervised by Drs. Esther Travé, Albert Pratdesaba and Imma Ollich. As usual, main tasks began with the cleaning and vegetation removal after a particularly rainy winter and spring.


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