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  • Mediterraneum

    Research line 'Mediterraneum' became one of the main axes of our research group in 2000. Since this line was incorporated, Read More
  • Landscape archaeology

    Research line “Landscape archaeology, peopling processes and habitat environments” is one of the main pillars of our research. Peopling processes Read More
  • Pottery and production processes

    The research line “Analyses of medieval and postmedieval pottery and production processes” aims to enlighten some of the major scientific Read More
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The research line “Analyses of medieval and postmedieval pottery and production processes” aims to enlighten some of the major scientific challenges related to the analyses of archaeological materials in general, and particularly ceramics. Currently, main research tasks are focused on the petrographic analysis of potsherds discovered at the Sites of Revenga, Santa Margarida, L’Esquerda and Santa Creu de Rodes. Therefore, a close link relates this line and the study of settlement and landscape exploitation.

The analysis of utilitarian cooking greywares has always been one of the underpinning pillars of pottery research for our team. Recently the scope has widened to the late medieval and modern decorated pottery and post-medieval greyware productions, paying special attention to the productive aspects from an ethnoarchaeological view.

This research line also includes analyses on the pottery materials from the sites of Foneria (Barcelona) and València d’Àneu (Lleida), and also the iron tools and weapons from the fortresses of Ausa Gaztelu (Zaldibia, Gipuzkoa) and Mendikute (Albiztur, Gipuzkoa).