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Vicens i Tarré, Joan

Vicens i Tarré, Joan

Museu de la Terrissa de Quart

Graduate in History of Art at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, MSc in Museology and Heritage at the University of Girona and MSc in Cultural Management at the University of Barcelona. Member of the Heritage, Creativity and Cultural Tourism Lab at the University of Barcelona (LAB-PATC), board member at the Institut d’Estudis del Baix Empordà and the Association of Catalonian Museologists as a delegate of the province of Girona and Delegate in Catalonia of the Spanish Association of Museologists. I actually am curator at the Pottery Museum of Quart and, since my recent engagement with GRAMP, I am devoted to the study of postmedieval greyware pottery as a first order heritage element for the reconstruction of production processes and cultural transfer in modern and contemporary ages.


Vicens, J.; Travé, E. (2018): “La terrissa popular de Josep Escortell i Cerqueda: La tipologia de Quart”. Estudis del Baix Empordà, 37 (en premsa).

Vicens, J. (2007): “Per bruixa i metzinera: la cacera de bruixes a Catalunya”. Mnemòsine: Revista Catalana de Museologia, 4: 230-241.

Solé, D.; Vicens, J. (2005): “El Fòrum i les exposicions”. Mnemòsine: Revista Catalana de Museologia, 2: 169-195.

Vicens, J. (2005): “El Museu de la Pesca, menció especial al Premi Museu Europeu de l'any”. Mnemòsine: Revista Catalana de Museologia, 2: 213-216.