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Mauri i Martí, Alfred

Mauri i Martí, Alfred

Centre d’Estudis Martorellencs

He obtained his PhD in Medieval History at the University of Barcelona with a dissertation entitled "The configuration of the medieval landscape: the County of Barcelona until the 11th century".

Along his professional track he has been archivist since 1981 to 2002; Lecturer and Degree coordinator at the High School of Archive and File Management of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona between 2002 and 2016, and director of the same centre since 2016 until 2018.
His main research lineas are landascape archaeology and archeology of architecture (preferably in early Middle Age), the integrated and georeferenced historical data management and Big Data analysis and exploitation. File management regarding data gathering and preservation within the scientific research processes is other of his main interests.


Mauri, A. (2014): El Castellvell de Rosanes. Centre d’Estudis Martorellencs. Martorell.

Farreny, M.; Mauri, A.; Navarro, R. (2012): “La necròpolis de Santa Margarida de Martorell”, dins Arqueologia funerària al nord-est peninsular (segles VI-XII). Monografies d’Olèrdola 3. 2. Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya. Barcelona.

Mauri, A.; Travé, E.; Del Fresno, P. (2012): “An Integrated Implementation of Written and Material Sources – Conceptual Challenge and Technological Resources”, Ollich, I. (ed.) Archaeology, New Approaches in Theory and Techniques, InTech.

Mauri, A.; Del Fresno, P. (2009). “Estudi arqueològic integral del castell-convent de Penyafort.” II Monografies del Foix. Documents de Treball. Sèrie Territori.16, Diputació de Barcelona, 63 – 69.