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López Pérez, M. Dolores

López Pérez, M. Dolores

Universitat de Barcelona

She is a Lecturer of Medieval History at the University of Barcelona and director of GRAMP.-UB. She obtained the PhD degree at the University of Barcelona with a dissertation entitled The Crown of Aragon and Maghreb in the 14th Century (1331 – 1410), supervised by Dr. M. T. Ferrer, Lecturer at the High Council of Scientific Research (CSIC). She has done several research stages in Paris, Genoa, Florence and Tunis. She has been invited lecturer at the Université Paris X-Nanterre, the Université de La Mannouba (Tunis) and the Université de Sfax. She has been speaker at a vast number of seminars, conferences and courses in different Universities from Europe and Maghreb. Her main research line is focused on the relationship between the Crown of Aragon and Maghreb during the Late Medieval period. Since 2000, she is focused on the analysis of the economic, social and cultural transformation processes in the Mediterranean area, particularly in research on migratory phenomena.


López, M. D.; Álvaro, K.; Travé, E. (2016): Yacimiento Arqueológico de Revenga. Iglesia, necrópolis, aldea, Diputación de Burgos.

López, M. D.; Álvaro, K.; Travé, E. (2016): “Rock-cut cemeteries and settlement processes at the Upper Arlanza Basin (Burgos, Spain): A late antique and early medieval landscape analisis”. Zephyrus, 78, 173-191.

López, M. D.; Álvaro, K. (2013): “Taxation and Privateering in the Medieval Mediterranean: The Conformation of Privateering Regulations and its Application on the Island of Mallorca”, Journal of Maritime Research, 10/3, pp. 13-22.

López, M. D. (2013): “La compañía Torralba y las redes de distribución de la lana en el norte de Italia (1433-1434)”, A l’entorn de la Barcelona medieval. Estudis dedicats a la Dra. Josefina Mutgé Vives, Barcelona, CSIC.

López, M. D.; Padilla, J. I. (2013): “Mallorcan merchants in Medieval Maghreb: mercantile strategies in the port of Honein in the mid-foorteenth century”, Mediterranean Historical Review, 28/2, pp. 141-165.