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Cuadrada Majó, Coral

Cuadrada Majó, Coral

Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Coral Cuadrada is lecturer in archivistics, historiography, medieval history and women's history at the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona (URV), and also in women's history at the interuniversity master's degree in Women's studies, gender and citizenship. In 1987 he presented at the University of Barcelona (UB) a thesis of medieval history on the Maresme, a study with which he won the Iluro Prize that same year. She researches on field-city relations to the middle ages, international trade in the 13th and 15th centuries, the history of medicine, and the women’s history. She has been and is the principal investigator of several R D projects. She is a researcher at the MARC (Medical Anthropology Research Center) of the URV, and at the GRAMP (Research Group for Medieval and Postmedieval Archaeology) of the UB. She coordinates the interuniversity master's degree in Women's Studies, Gender and Citizenship. She is director of the Archive of the Marquises of Santa Maria de Barberà (Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona).


Cuadrada, C.; Lasheras, A.; Marsal, R.; Royo, C. (2015): Oikonomía. Cuidados, Reproducción, Producción. Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Servei de Publicacions.

Cuadrada, C.; Gutiérrez, E. (coord.) (2014): Les dones als orígens de Torreforta. Tarragona: Cercle d'Estudis Històrics i Socials Guillem d'Oliver.

Cuadrada, C. (2012): El llibre de la pesta. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau, editor.

Cuadrada, C. (2001): La Mediterrània: cruïlla de mercaders. Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau, editor.

Cuadrada, C. (1988): El Maresme Medieval: les juridiccions baronals de Mataró i de Sant Vicenç/ Vilassar (hàbitat, economia i societat, segles X-XIV), Barcelona: Rafael Dalmau, editor.